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From an early age, I had a deep desire to contribute personally to the development of the Mozambican people, considering the human being as a whole. Human development/formation in its different aspects — cultural, academic, technical, but above all moral and civic — has always been one of my main objectives.
On various occasions, I have expressed my concern that our country cannot consider itself truly free and independent until achieves higher levels of education and training for its citizens, both in quantity and quality. The fight against the delay in development on various levels, the proliferation of diseases whose cures become difficult due to a lack of scientific and technical knowledge, and dependence on external sources in economic, political, cultural, and other spheres are among the most important factors that led me to become personally involved in creating educational and teaching conditions for the Mozambican people, especially for the more disadvantaged segments of the society.
Although I recognize the effort made by the country's government, it is clear that the path ahead is still very long
My appointment as Archbishop of Maputo opened doors for me to a deeper understanding of entities, institutions, and personalities around the world, along with the ability to adapt to the most diverse environments within the realm of human diversity. I gained many sympathies and saw this as a great opportunity to place the interests of those who suffer the most above everything else.
In outlining the creation of a foundation bearing my name, I had the following assumptions:
a) Using my image, built over many decades of service to others;b) Offering opportunities for the most disadvantaged to achieve a noble goal in life;
c) Preventing a large number of young people, still in the stage of continuing their education, from being forced into unemployment due to insufficient academic levels;
d) Using the foundation as a private legal entity to establish a university that serves as a center for moral and civic education for the Mozambican people;
e) Establishing the foundation as a link, providing space for entities interested in this eminently social project to participate;
f) Conducting all foundation-related activities exclusively for social purposes, in the public interest, and on a non-profit basis;
g) Fostering the spirit of social solidarity in all areas;
h) Contribute to the efforts to eradicate absolute poverty in our country;
i) Supporting initiatives of a scientific, academic, cultural, and research nature.
As can be seen, the foundation aims to promote the integral development of Mozambican society by fostering a deep respect for human dignity in its entirety and committing to the eradication of absolute poverty.
To achieve these goals, it is essential to have a cultured and educated people. Therefore, I understood that the foundation could not be separated from the creation of a university—not just as another higher education institution among many, but as a space dedicated to the enhancement of scientific and academic knowledge, grounded in rigor and specialization. The professionals who will be trained must possess solid knowledge, as the education they receive will eliminate any possibility of facilitating the granting of academic degrees
The foundation cannot ignore the reality faced by most candidates for higher education. The state of absolute poverty in which the Mozambican people live should not, in itself, be an obstacle preventing brilliant minds from having the space and opportunity to fully develop their capabilities.
Through the foundation, mechanisms can be created to offer the necessary support to these young people and, thus, empower the country with highly qualified professionals, of which it can be proud in the future.
It is also important to remember that there are many institutions and individuals, both national and foreign, who wish to cooperate more effectively with the efforts promoted by the foundation. The foundation should create space and time to gather all the support that arises.
In summary, the foundation will serve as a means to project the country’s image, both internally and externally, leveraging the reputation built by one of its sons.